This Weird, Unusual Time

This year so far has been so weird
This weird virus thing started out in Wuhan
and now is in our country of the U.S.A.
We are forced to stay inside, and work on laptops and little iPads
Our kitchens and bedrooms have turned into classrooms
Our hair has grown more than it ever has
Our parents are home and working as well
Businesses are closing, and so are our playgrounds and schools
Protests are happening across the country
People are questioning, when will this end!?
New stay at home orders everyday!
People are going up to space!
Flights are being canceled and so are vacations!
People are getting sick and dying!
More and more people are told to work from home or even fired!
Food and supplies are running low!
The school year is ending but still not back at school!
Friends are missing each other and family members too!
But in the end, this year was an interesting one
that we will all remember as the most exciting year of our lives!