
The horseshoe crab lying on the beach,
Millions of broken and whole seashells
spread out on the beach,
People walking,
Kids playing,
Little birds hopscotching on the water,
Seagulls and laugh gulls flying gracefully
in the air,
Strong winds playing with the sand
making mini sandstorms on the surface
of the beach.

Sunset sets down with orange and
yellow colors,
Bright sun like a light bulb in the sky
shines down on the water.

Waves were splashing,
Sand whooshing,
Birds squawking, and
Sand dunes waving like a seaweed in
the ocean.

I wonder if I might find a whole, swirly
shell without any cracks,
Maybe I could find a pearl in a closed
shell to make a sculpture,
I wonder if I will see huge waves.

I am excited!
I am relieved,
Amazed, and

Whistling and Blowing.