
School is crazy
like a whirling tornado.
The day lasts forever
like a book that will never end.
Homework can be tiring
like running a race.
Tests can be stressful
like walking on a tightrope.
Friends can be difficult
like a word you forgot how to spell.
Playing soccer and tag outside is chaotic
like a busy amusement park.
Lunch is loud
like a stampede of animals.
Topics are confusing
like something that you just can’t quite understand.
Field trips are interesting
like a really cool fact you just learned.
Celebrations are wild
like a large mosh pit.
Learning was fun
like your favorite game.
Read aloud is calm
like relaxing on a beach.
The pranks are funny
like your favorite joke.
My class is inseparable
like peas in a pod.
The grade gets along
like a pack of wolves.
Camp Mason was epic
like an exciting part of a movie.
The memories are endless
like time itself.
I have had great times in the past
and PS 321 was really a blast.