
When I was a young boy
I never heard the word oy
Until I met Jeremy

It was the first day of school
When I walked into class with some kids that I knew
And sat on a bench while Jeremy talked things through
I was quite scared, but I had my friends
As I looked at my teacher it looked like the end
But soon I knew him i knew him quite well
He was very nice and and even quite swell

Soon I got used to it and started to like it
This was before I learned to go biking
We had a good time all day
He taught us math and the best writing I could say
Reading and fun and the Jamestown retreat
Hearing my classmates say yeat

When I look back on it it was great
Even if there was some debate
He stole our snack and he was nice
He helped me almost get into ICE

I thank him for his two good years
And now that I go my eyes fill with tears
All I have to say now is: thank you Jeremy Greensmith