Making Cupcakes

Lemon, chocolate, strawberry, vanilla Picking a flavor Mixing everything in a bowl Stirring, pouring, cooking Licking the bowl clean Creating icing takes a while Finally it’s ready Warm, gooey, soft, tasty Yum yum It’s done Continue reading Making Cupcakes


He likes food He likes balls He likes the tub He likes water He likes walks He likes my parents and he likes me Continue reading Elly

Cardinal in a Tree

Cardinal, cardinal in a tree I love when you come visit me. Cardinal, cardinal beautiful red You have such a lovely head. Cardinal, cardinal in a tree Sitting in groups of two and three. Cardinal, cardinal oh so pretty If i named you it would be Liddy. Cardinal, cardinal fly away We will see you another day. Continue reading Cardinal in a Tree

My Dog

I love to snuggle with my dog! I love when my dog licks me! I love to play with my dog! I love to nap with my dog! I love love my dog! Continue reading My Dog

The Owl Flies

The flowers bloom pink, purple and blue And now a shooting star follows family and moon The shooting star sparkles and has a picture of light The flowers pink, purple, and blue are beautiful Windows shine like pictures are on them The caterpillar was pink and his favorite colors were purple and blue The owl flies to his tree home Continue reading The Owl Flies


I think my heart is bumping so fast! I think my heart is gonna run away! I think my brain is gonna pop out of my head! I think my belly button is gonna pop out! I think my knees are gonna shake out! I think my feet are gonna run away! I think my body is GOING CRAZY! Hey, where did my body go? Continue reading Body

Ice Cream

I can lick ice cream with a stick Blackberry strawberry lick with a stick My ice cream timer goes tick tick Ice cream is good Ice cream is bad Ice cream is good Because it’s so glad Wish or not, by one percent The ice cream store is where I went Continue reading Ice Cream