I’m Proud of the Pride We Hold

I’m proud of the pride we hold
For the rainbows that I know,
The rainbows that I love
Are not brightening up the sky after the clouds cry
But brightening up a flag amongst a sea of people
For the pride we hold

I’m proud of that pride we hold because gay is more than Harvey Milk,
Gay is me
And gay is us
So gay is we

And we are proud of the pride we hold
‘Cause somebody out there was born on
June 26, 2015
But more than a person was born
That day

Love was reborn
And Pride had another birthday
Because pride’s always been there,
It’s never left
No matter how hard
The haters
Have hated
The pride we hold is

And I’m proud of that pride
And we’re proud of that pride
Because pride brought us into this world
But it’s ourselves keeping us in it

So I’m proud of me
And I’m proud of us
And I’m proud of we right now, being proud of
The pride we hold.

You should know that when pride
Mixes with

We get something more powerful than any leader
This mess of a world…
