Embarrassing Dad

When I was little,
I told my dad not to embarrass me,
in front of class.

The very next day,
from far away, I saw my dad,
scheming a plan,
with his lad.

I got to school,
and I had brought something new,
my dad stood there,
holding my hand.

Had he not come,
his words would not sum
up to the amount of embarrassing
he got.

“Howdy, y’all!”
“We came from the mall,
I just got her
a new book,
that’s really long.”

“It’s the type with the ducky,
and the cardboard paper,
we’ve got more at home!
You want one?”

What my dad just said,
was painfully true,
though I don’t like them,
but my little brother, Nall,
he reads books,
he draws.”

“LOL!” the kids all laugh.
“Yay!” I think,
“The time has passed!”
And then I pray, the next time my
dad walks me, HE STAYS AWAY!