I Wake Up

I wake up to the smell of croissant,
Take a bite hear a crunch,
I start to munch, munch, munch.

I wake up to the smell of miso soup,
Take a big sip from the bowl,
The warm broth fills my soul.

I wake up to pork buns,
A bite into white fluffy bao,
And all the pork runs into my mouth.

I wake up to the smell of pasticcini,
Tender almond cookies,
With all the sugar stuffed in my cheeks.

I wake up to the smell of curry,
Mix it with some naan,
Eat it up and it tastes yum, yum, yum.

I wake up to the smell of tacos,
Hard or soft squeeze some lime,
I have finished four in no time.

I wake up to the smell of vegemite,
Spread it on muffin or toast,
A healthy breakfast for most.

I wake up to the smell of roti canai,
Flaky flatbread made with butter,
Tear it into pieces and dip it sugar.

I wake up to the smell of coffee,
But it’s milk and cereal for me,
Oh how it fills my tummy with glee.

I wake up.