The Hike

I climb up the mud-drenched rock
slipping every once and a while
tiny lizards dodging my hands looking for the best sun-bathing seat
birds chirping in the sun-licked trees singing a song that was lost long ago
squirrels hurrying, stashing acorns into their nests
for fall is here
toads getting ready to freeze isolated from the world
I reach the top and gasp for in front of me is a forest gleaming with green
is it a dream? what have I seen? did I succeed?
my words drowning out like water in a cloud precipitating
the forest just calling my name “Helen explore me Helen you NEED to explore me”
I go in just wondering what wonders wait for me
evergreens flooding my view like a dam that just broke
green all around me, peaceful
I decide to walk around realizing I am leg deep in water slimy fish swimming around my legs tickling me
I jump out being more cautious of my surroundings I look around choosing which path to take, there, a small path leading out
as I go out I look up a colossal mountain that could be as tall as ten suns, down here I feel like a mouse puny and useless
as I stare at it I decide to climb it knowing perfectly well to be aware of my surroundings
when I go up I feel the air getting thinner I hear a light growling, a cougar
I run down terrified, petrified, screaming. I hope never to go up there again
as I go down I see something, a creek
something weird, its frozen makes sense
for it is fall