Where I’m From

Where I’m from I get all the attention
I get ice cream and sometimes he gets a lick
The feeling of happiness surrounds me
While whatever surrounds him
Is the smell of MY ice cream

I’m from a whole lot of “Mom can we get ramen?”
I’m from even more of
“I’m going out with friends to Starbucks,
I’ll be back later or maybe tomorrow!”

Where I’m from, it’s boba on the daily.
It’s at friends’ houses and “The big game”
Is how my family says “Twister”
With an 11-year old, a 10-year old, and a 6-year old

When people see us walking on the street,
They say, “Hey, how old are you two?”
I say, “Well, I’m 11 and he’s 14.”
Then they say, “Wow, and how tall are you?”
He says, “5′ 11″,” and they are shocked.
My brother may be a lot taller than me
And bugs the heck out of me, but
I still love him . . .
That’s, where I’m from.
How about you?