Where I’m From

I’m from tennis
hitting the ball so powerful,
being the best player in the country
for my age
being a star
making national tennis tournaments
getting sponsored by tennis brands
It’s all a dream come true.

I’m from my cats
them meowing
slow blinking
begging for snacks
doing cute poses
snuggling with me
playing with me
they’re all just so cute.

I’m from being a little brother
asking my older sister to play with me in the backyard
always annoying her
always spending time with her
being nice to her
being mean to her
fighting with her
joking with her
We have a very love-hate relationship.

I’m from loving french fries
they taste so good
I eat them all the time
looking at it, it’s like hugging a stuffed animal
when the salt goes on it
it just tastes even better that way
always ordering it, going out to dinner or lunch
its like I’m addicted to them
they’re just so good.