
The core is sticky, but the red sunset is smooth The tongue craves the sweetness, but for the nose it’s not a treat And silent like a empty auditorium Continue reading Blowpop

Life of a Pencil

If I was a pencil, I would draw with my feet and If I made a mistake, I would ask my friend, the eraser, to erase my footprints. If I was a pencil, I would guard the baskets with my sharp feet, and if it ever got dull, my orthopedist, the pencil sharpener, would fix my feet. I would work inside a person’s hand. That’s my life. Continue reading Life of a Pencil

Never Go Near a Shark and an Alien and a Blob

Never go near a shark and an alien and a blob. Never go near a shark and an alien and a blob because it will eat you and zap you and splat you. Never go near a shark and an alien and blob because it will bite you and capture you and make you sticky. Never let a shark on land an alien in a city and a blob in the ocean because it will eat all the people and capture all the people and grow very big. Continue reading Never Go Near a Shark and an Alien and a Blob

Commander of the Air

Be the commander of the air Be a jet everywhere Live up high Two eyes as bright as amber Have two wings brown as oak Have a beak as sharp as a sword Have two grizzly hands stretched out Be a blur when you catch your prey What is it? – A Hawk Continue reading Commander of the Air

I’m From

I’m from school buildings. From playdates and trips. From walks and talks. More jobs, less sobs. From freedom. I’m from businesses and crowds. From restaurants, shops and parks. Theaters. From sports and parties. I’m from more action, less screens. More writing, less typing. More connection. Continue reading I’m From


You’re like an acrobatics teacher, teaching bread how to flip. Waffles, too. Launching in the air, like a rocket ship. You’re always having a summer day. Even in winter, 70 degrees 71 degrees 72 degrees you could have 200 degrees. You just go up and up and up. But sometimes, you’re jealous of the stove, when it’s being used. Maybe the kettle, too. You feel all alone. But when it’s your turn, you shine. Continue reading Toaster

Where I Am From

I am from the books, each word builds its new story. The world can be written in words. Words can heal, words can hurt. Our story is hurting, our world is hurting. But it is healing, slowly. One small action and one small yet powerful word can help heal. Generosity will bring justice into our story. Kindness will bring love into our story. Hope will bring dreams into our story. And we dream about long hugs and seeing a smile. We are all from the books. Wonderful and unique books. Continue reading Where I Am From

Where I’m From

I’m from ant hills on the lawn, and bee stings upstairs. Saving frogs from the swimming pool. I’m from falling off the swing, and standing on the wibbly-wobbly porch stone. My dad’s hat box filled with old props. I’m from dinner and dessert all in the same hour. Wake up, eat breakfast, then school. That’s where I’m from. Continue reading Where I’m From

I’m Gonna Go Away for Awhile

I’m gonna go away for awhile. To explore the blue and green sea, To go to rain forests, deserts and more, See a unicorn horn wash up on the shore. I’m gonna go away for awhile. To see all the world’s treasures, See gold, diamonds, silver and rubies, Go to plays, musicals and inspiring movies. I’m gonna go away for awhile. To taste the world for myself, Noodles, dumplings, pastas, and soups, Carrots, potatoes, and all the food groups. I’m gonna go away for awhile. But I’ll always come back to you, To give you a hug and turn off … Continue reading I’m Gonna Go Away for Awhile


I feel like a firecracker has gone off inside me My soul is flying high in the skyWhich makes me start to jump It all happened so quicklyLike someone inside of me flipped on a switchLikeSNAP!I got electrocuted I cannot stop moving now As soon as the beautiful blissful wordscame out of my Mum’s mouthIt was such a spectacular surprise Pure joy, joy, joy. Continue reading Joy

Do You Ever Wonder / April 25, 2020

Do you ever wonder,do you ever think,that when we’re home warning ourselves:“Don’t get hurt, stay six feet from others,”Nature is partying,eating all the sushi from our sushi bars that are closed.And we just aren’t noticing because the trees, flowers,and the rest of natureare doing this behind our backs.In other words, they’re doing this all because we are in quarantine. Continue reading Do You Ever Wonder / April 25, 2020

The Wind

The wind whispers in your ear.The wind rushes past you beating you in a race.The wind howls at you loudly like a wolf howling at the moon.The wind may be terrible.The wind. Continue reading The Wind

Blow Pop

The wrapper unwraps like tinfoil when you crumble itand it tastes sweet like a strawberrythe Blow Pop gets smaller like a circle closing in until it’s nothing more than its stick Continue reading Blow Pop

Where I’m From

I am from long weekends in my Kent house and climbing races in the woods. I am from black diamonds on Timber and a hot mug of apple cider after skiing. I am from crepes on a cold Friday morning and a strawberry ice cream at Fudgy’s. I am from reading by moonlight long after bedtime and a secret Saturday night movie. I am from my bookcase flowing with adventure and reading by the fire. Continue reading Where I’m From

I’m Sorry

This is just to say I ate all the mint chocolate chip ice creamI saw how you stared for a long time at the ice cream boxI stared a long time at it tooI know you were saving it for dessert on Friday nightand I saw how lonely it looked in the freezerand I decided that it was time for the ice cream box to bite the dustI’m sorry Continue reading I’m Sorry


Dreams A warm blanket to wrap around your head Be a fairy of magic A unicorn with beauty A dragon with fierce Or just a human Really any animal at all If you are scared by the howling wind or a rain of thunder Do not fear Your hopes and dreams will lead you here A place of wonder to let it all out Bad days at school? Or if you want to shout? Just rest your eyes and come to this place Where fear is a myth No more No less Continue reading Dreams


SurpriseThere’s a thousand butterflies in my stomach.What’s in that box? Is it for me? What is this feeling inside of me?I feel Nervous and Happy all at once. It makes me want to…DANCE!!!! Continue reading Surprise!


You are blackness but with one stream of light reaching out of the window. You are peace and quiet. Not a single noise in the room. You are calm and still. Everything is frozen like a rock as the time passes by. You are love. Continue reading Darkness