Ode To Broadway

An ode to Glorious shows in glamorous theaters Wonderful talent in wonder-filled dramas The bright stars who exit the theater To find their fans waiting for them, cheering for them, applauding for them, once again The stars exit, but the magic does not The grandeur still exists It exists in the happy, joyful, awestruck faces in the crowd Whose lives have been changed by the talent they saw that night This poem is an ode to all that And may it live on forever Continue reading Ode To Broadway


I am jumping Up And Down In the bright blue waters I feel happy to be playing and jumping with the others in my pod I feel wet every time I plunge back into the nice cool ocean The ocean is as cool as an ice cold lemonade on a hot humid day My pod is splashing in the water around Splash Splash Splash I notice people watching us lounging on the boat deck I wonder if we are putting on a show for them I don’t care I am happy that I could make them happy too. Continue reading Dolphins

Your Lost Objects

Arriving home, Checking your pocket Where’d that go? You leave home And rush to the store. Look in the lost and found To see if it was stored But you didn’t know That when you were walking, You dropped your phone Into the sewers. Continue reading Your Lost Objects


Winter whips my face Surrounds my house with snowy moats Brings me the joy of hot cocoa or the tears of frostbite The happiness of skiing or the embarrassment of falling Spring showers me with petals Shows me the devastation Of floods Brings new life to the planet Summer surrounds me with sunbeams Points me toward the pool or gives me a sunburn Gives the trees green leaves Fall paints trees as if they are a canvas Gives me a pile of leaves to jump in Gives me a reason to wear a beanie and hoodie Continue reading Seasons

Tiger Bio

Tiger cub cute strong and furry who loves to eat sloths who hates panthers who wants paws the size of a tree trunk who wishes he could hunt from dawn to dusk like his mother who fears he will never be like his mother and more like a snail who dreams of being the scariest animal in the rainforest, even scarier than Bigfoot who wonders if he will be the strongest tiger in the world and people will fall gracefully who cares about his family more than being a strong tiger who lives in the soaking wet rainforest tiger cub … Continue reading Tiger Bio


I’m walking down a sidewalk There’s a bunch of people What if it was not a sidewalk Just plain old stone What if it was grass What if it was wood Or foam Maybe plastic Just not stone Continue reading Sidewalk


You’re like tiny suns in the night sky Shine, Shine, Shine I know you’re far away but you seem so close Like a diamond shining right in front of my eyes Like if I stretch out my hand I will be able to reach you Like if i close my eyes and hold out my palm I will be able to feel you burning like fire Continue reading Stars

Spirally Riddles

I am a spiral I float around the universe You can ride my arms I am big, about 104.700 light years across big. I think You might see pictures of me and you might see my spine who am I? I am the Milky Way Continue reading Spirally Riddles

Riddle Poem

I’m as pointy as glass and I have five arms I usually come in brown or orange or tan I’m bumpy and not flat I’m also very slow and my favorite food is clams If you guessed it I’m a starfish Continue reading Riddle Poem

Pay Your Rent

Little timmy please get out of our garbage. You’re as beautiful as the wrapper I threw away today When you run down the sidewalk and make us all scream I wonder why you won’t Leave!!!!!!!!!! Continue reading Pay Your Rent

Ode to Soccer

Ode to soccer Dear old friend I love you with my Entire heart Together forever Old you are young I am Sorry Old man sorry old pal Continue to be Cool keep scoring good goals have good Energy Remember who loves you, me Rome Continue reading Ode to Soccer


Slick like the smoothest rock They fly in the water like birds They sing underwater like a whale They’re in groups like a swarm of bees They travel like a bunch of tourists They are dolphins Continue reading Dolphins

My Magic Wand

A piece of paper in front of me made from the oldest maple tree. My magic wand in my hand tip sparkling like a fairy’s wing My magic wand slips out of my hand and onto the paper, creating a world full of creativity and wonder It’s contagious, spreading across the paper. Nothing can stop it. And it is my secret. Continue reading My Magic Wand

Harambo Hero

Harambo shines as like he’s the sun saving people from hours to days to months to years to every single time in the world Harambo. Harambo look out, where comes the Harambo [l am Harambo] oh my god, he’s as pretty as roses in a field. Yeah Harambo Continue reading Harambo Hero