
Light pink the way it streaks over the white paper. Like a baby pink peach leaves pink dust behind. It dances on the paper It clears a path in front of it. An enormous wavy waving at me in the ocean. Continue reading Eraser

I Am America

I am America. I am my mom’s freckles, bright and cheerful. I am wavy hair swaying in the wind. I am hazel eyes. I am in a book. I am wearing my watch – tick, tock. I am as brave as a jaguar. I am a sweet butterfly flying with the wind. I am me, who is strong and AMAZING! I am America, and America is me. Continue reading I Am America

I am America

I am America. I am strawberry blonde and curly hair, like scales. I am ocean blue eyes, and waves that crack. I am a sunset of emotions. I am a songbird in the wind and in the branches. I am a library with thousands of books and with every kind from A to Z. I am a warrior with heavy gear and with bow and arrows in the battlefield. I’m Kirby a fighter, a brave little person, and you see me walk by. I’m a blooming tree with flowers of every color. I am America and America is me! Continue reading I am America


Green reminds me of A Scarlet Macaw’s green feathers Floating Through the air Green smells like Fresh leaves floating To the ground Green tastes like Tart kiwi More yummy then it smells Green looks like A green apple Beautiful Green feels Wet like the moist air Of the rainforest Green is A garden full of life And nature all around us. Continue reading Green


The dark void Pit The colorful Skin that looks Like a beautiful sunset Imagine the Juiciness Squeeze it Ew, not ripe! Hard like a basketball Not ripe, not Ripe at all! Continue reading PEACH


Like a rhythm to your ear it sails over the world filling people’s ear’s with joy starts with anything and ends with anything the rhythm is your imagination that can lead you anywhere a song is like a new seed that sprouts in seconds it’s like it can reach to every house in the entire world in half a millisecond a song is you!!!!!!! Continue reading Songs

The Botanic Poem

Look among the forest ground Come into my flowerhouse and smell my flowers Driptip and buttress roots One single guava Observing plants that seem to enjoy the silence How beautiful they were We saw flowers and air plants, they were pretty Observing cactus plants that twirl around me Tons of plants and food that astonished me Zombie palms, spikey with sides Checking adaptations like they’re at the store I see air roots up high And just imagine you went into some cold place Damp, damp afternoon So moist in the air Some plants grow up, some plants grow down Fruit … Continue reading The Botanic Poem


green is the color that reminds me of many things I like I have a light green sour lime that pinches my face up with sour thoughts, but I still feel good and a snake slithering around the jungle where almost all types of beautiful green live in a perfect paradise Continue reading Green


Green reminds me of a crisp crunchy fresh apple Green smells like freshly grown guava Green tastes like ripe soursop Green looks like freshly mowed grass that makes me slip and smile Green feels like the prick of a thorn Green is new roots from the rainforest Continue reading Green

I am American

I am America. I am back handsprings. I am a student, daughter, and cousin. I am brown eyes and wavy hair. I am music in the air. I am as playful as a dog and as calm as a cat. I am a reading star. I am America and America is me! Continue reading I am American

I Am America

I am a Minecraft constructor. I am my tiny brown dog, my small sister, my big dad, and my small mom. I am hiding hoodies. I am my mom’s freckles. I am coding inappropriate things. I am drawing. I am Manhattan, Queens and Brooklyn. I am America and America is me. Continue reading I Am America

Sound in The Rainforest

From high to low Emergent layer to canopy Birds chirping everywhere The sound of nature Echoing through the tree. A violent growl From an ocelot Pouncing on its prey A howler money howling for territory. Monkeys swinging from tree to tree Racing the speed of light. A sloth hanging from a tree like a piñata Waiting for kids. Continue reading Sound in The Rainforest


On the green rainforest floor grass grows on the ground with grasshoppers hopping from leaf to leaf raindrops slipping off drip tips Green in the rainforest frogs croaking, lizards jumping cucumbers, bananas, and pickles There’s green everywhere in the emergent layer giant leaves sway in the breeze the canopy blocking the sunlight from the forest floor There is green in the rainforest green grass and blowing leaves There is green in the rainforest Continue reading Green


I am black I am dark I am very shady. I am shadow I am the thing that wakes you from your sweet perfect dream. And when you jolt awake you awake with a Booming shout and you know you’ve been visited by nightmare! Continue reading Nightmare


Home a place that makes me feel alive, it’s where your pets live and thrive, it’s where you live, swim and dive, it’s your place. Continue reading Home

Waking Up

I can’t get out of bed I feel like 1,000 pounds trying to stand upright I feel like a car lurching up a steep hill, begging for gas I feel like 100 bricks are stacked on my back, getting heavier, and heavier, with, each, tiny, step. Continue reading Waking Up


When you eat it’s juicy like sweet fresh-squeezed lemon has a pit juice drips down your face when you take a bite soft soft like stuffed animals Pink inside sweet, savory peach Continue reading Peach