
When I play Baseball I love the sound of the crack of the bat and the ball leaves the park and hits the river with a thud like a rocket landing on the moon, When I play baseball I smile to the fast pace while the outfielders make a race to the ball. When I play baseball The home team crowd goes loud when the runner is out. Continue reading Baseball


The rain drips and drops down the kid umbrella tops kids walking in the rain the rain It might feel like pain The rain jumping out the sky dancing and spinning all around The rain is like when only when a couple drops come out of a sink the rain drips upon your face. Continue reading Rain


Zipping, sliding, zooming excitement bubbling inside a bit nervous, but my excitement, and my will, Is keeping me strong. I jump off, sailing through the air Air splashes my face I don’t care Suddenly, I stop I do another Continue reading Excitement


Part I When I’m the last to get inside I look down at you. And see a wet black nose, orange fur, black tired eyes that glitter like the moon at night part II When I get up in the morning I lay on the couch with your tongue in my ear I get up to get my toothbrush but you’re already in the bathroom when I eat, you’re so sweet but begging for food so I throw you a piece but then come trotting back when I’m going to the bathroom you come in for a groom from your … Continue reading Maude


My heart burning with passion! Gracefulness in my blood! When I leap I feel like I’m flying through space drifting aimlessly. When I spin I can see the stars. And time stands stills. When I do ballet I feel like a puzzle that was completed. Continue reading Ballet


Trees everywhere fresh air everywhere but smoke in the air and people don’t care Trees that are bare Co2 in the air and no one cares Trash in the ocean ocean to the ash one day the earth will crash because of the trash and people will be sorry Continue reading Oxygen


Large and ominous it flies over the forest like a gigantic demon. It’s outspread wings are like a massive blanket over the forest. large yellow eyes searches for prey. when it rests, it looks as if it was a hanging piece of ask It lives in colonies, which looks like a pit in the wall. large and ominous bat. Continue reading Bats


The night has shadows and darkness at night the moon shining bright like a lamp as the sun rises this poem is over Continue reading Night

And The Day Came

And then the day came, When the rain started pouring, When the volcanoes started erupting, When the last tree was chopped When the only thing left on Earth…. was humans And then the day came, When the last human died When the sun exploded into bits, When Earth crashed into Mars. All of this happened…. Because of us. Continue reading And The Day Came

In The City

Footsteps pounding against the ground people talking slow and fast quiet and loud cars passing by going fast then slow Birds chirping and singing their song faint noises from the train faint screeching of the brakes from the train people going to school and work Leaves running up and down the block the city is unique Continue reading In The City

A Poem About Poems

I’m just a glob of words they say…but I’m seeing through your heart expressing your feelings I’m just sitting there listening to your clear and steady words But no I’m help but you say no thanks to me I’m a poem I’m opening your heart you’re welcome I’m there for you Continue reading A Poem About Poems


I love your stuffy crust your cheesy bread and your fresh tomato sauce I love it all smooth cheese bumpy tomato sauce and crunchy crust nothing is better than that. Continue reading Pizza


Oh I love mornings Waking up and talking to my parents when the sun rises Waking and getting ready for school dying to meet friends Waking and having breakfast Waking and knowing it will be another wonderous day. Continue reading Mornings

Fire Alarm

The “Kraa Kraa Kraa” It signals danger The heat is here Run outside it looks like a blazing sun It tells us to go It speaks loudly, obey its command. Continue reading Fire Alarm


Guilt a stab of the knife in the back Guilt an immense pain a risk of life all at once One body f a l l i n g Continue reading Guilt

Thwack! Crash!

Thwack! Crash! A trees falls to the ground Thwack! Crash! So does its neighbor Thwack! Crash! The jungle gets destroyed Thwack! Crash! Killing for fun Thwack! Crash! My home dissappears Thwack! Crash! My friends are left homeless Thwack! Crash! My world has collapsed Into the hands of a monster Thwack! Crash! Jungle ashes Thwack! Crash! They are thirsty For more damage Thwack! Crash! They are thoughtless Thwack! Crash! Humans destroy my forest Thwack! Crash! I am a Margay of trickery. Continue reading Thwack! Crash!