Ode to Summer

Oh summer oh summer, So warm and sweet Yellow flowers and warm air too When the sunshine kisses my cheek Oh summer oh summer, Makes me smile from ear to ear Oh how happy it makes me When I can enjoy the fresh summer air too Oh summer oh summer, I love you so much Thank you for being a season Out of the 4 that I love very much. Continue reading Ode to Summer

Ode to Love

Oh love, How you warm A broken heart Oh love, How you make Me laugh and cry Oh love, How I feel you In hugs, smiles And happiness Without you, Sadness, hate And madness Would be all I feel Thank you, dear Love, for always Staying by my side Continue reading Ode to Love

Oh Max

Oh Max, your thundering barking keeping me safe at night Oh Max, your soothing groans when I scratch your tummy Letting me know I hit the spot Oh Max, always brightening my day when it was dark and gloomy Oh Max, your cute face hiding the furious guard dog you are Oh Max, expecting the solid resistance of a ball only to find out it was snow Oh Max, how would I be able to feel your slick tongue on my feet if you were not here Oh Max you’ll always be a puppy even when your as old my … Continue reading Oh Max

Ode To Beaches

Oh beach The wave hits the sand like a vase hitting the ground The sand hits my towel like rain hitting an umbrella Oh beach I hear the water hitting the sand I hear children giggling I hear seagulls squealing like babies Oh beach I remember swimming on a wave I remember eating peanut butter on the sand Oh beach I couldn’t go a summer without your welcoming waves Oh beaches Oh beaches Continue reading Ode To Beaches

You Are How You Are

You Are How You Are You are born how you are born, you walk how you walk, you talk how you talk, and nobody should criticize you for that You run how you run, you jump how you jump, you sit how you sit, and you act how you act, and nobody should criticize you for that Continue reading You Are How You Are


Oh glasses without you where would I be Your gentle comfort on my head Oh me, oh gee, I forgot you make me see! Because of you I’m not run over by a car For with with you glasses, I can now see from afar! Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz These are the letters that I could not see Glasses, oh glasses, I would be lost without you Continue reading Glasses

You Say, Two Weeks

You say, two weeks Two weeks you say Two weeks time It will hurt the baby you say But who it will hurt is the women Who might be in high school Who might not have a job Who might die because they did not know And they only had 2 weeks time Continue reading You Say, Two Weeks


When Life gives you lemons, they say: ‘Make lemonade’ But you have salt instead of sugar The: 50 cents a cup, is still 50 cents a cup but the only customers are those who feel pity but, Who likes pity? Because now, you are Surrounded with Yells, with only your pet for company Continue reading Lemonade

Gun Problems

Gun violence is a problem, you go south there’s a shooting. You go north, there’s a shooting. You go east, there’s a shooting. And even west, a shooting. I just wish gun violence would stop and for the world to be peaceful but, I don’t think that will ever happen. Continue reading Gun Problems

Ode to Mum

Oh Mum how you help me Everyday with everything Your beautiful blond Hair And happy Smile Your heart warming Voice And encouraging and Kind words You make my day better Every day! You make me feel loved, Encouraged And you Lift My spirits Everyday I love when we Have Special time Together Going shopping And having fun! You help me So much And I don’t know What I would Do Without you Without you I wouldn’t be able To do The things I can do Now You are Amazing So helpful Caring Kind Awesome and Nice You mean So Much … Continue reading Ode to Mum

I’m Proud of the Pride We Hold

I’m proud of the pride we hold For the rainbows that I know, The rainbows that I love Are not brightening up the sky after the clouds cry But brightening up a flag amongst a sea of people Marching For the pride we hold I’m proud of that pride we hold because gay is more than Harvey Milk, Stonewall Gay is me And gay is us So gay is we And we are proud of the pride we hold ‘Cause somebody out there was born on June 26, 2015 But more than a person was born That day Love was … Continue reading I’m Proud of the Pride We Hold

Simple Love

Colors love laughter Pride is something that matters So why say no to just simple love it’s normal it’s okay it’s not bad it’s just simple love Pride is amazing In fact it’s trailblazing It’s the best feeling just to be you It has laughter And by saying no you’re a hacker because it’s just simple love just simple love why say no to simple love. Continue reading Simple Love

Ode to Memories

Oh memories you are always there you get triggered forgotten and prized if you weren’t there I wouldn’t know love emotion happiness life without you would be hollow empty meaningless because you, memories bring back happiness and remind me of everything that happened before. Continue reading Ode to Memories

Ode to Peaches

Oh peaches, Oh peaches You’re fresh And yummy Oh peaches When it’s summer And you’re here You put a smile On people’s faces, All your colors Make me Feel better Oh peaches, Oh peaches, Without you Life would Be miserable Without you I wouldn’t know What to do, Oh peaches Oh peaches You are great Oh peaches. Continue reading Ode to Peaches

Ode to Pearl

Oh Pearl how I love you so Coming from your brother Mo Your wet nose Your floppy ears All the way To your toes Your soft bark On the way to the park Oh how I love Pearl You make me feel happy Your ears so flappy Oh Pearl Oh Pearl Oh Pearl Continue reading Ode to Pearl

Welcome to Channel 4 News

Welcome to Channel 4 News Today we have sun at a astonishing heat That will dry up their water Shoot pain through their feet Today we have wind blowing them down Stirring up chaos Ripping up towns Today we have water flooding the city Their loved ones are dead We’re crying with pity Today we have fires burning the globe This happens a lot Welcome to the show So If you’re new to Channel 4 News I am sorry but welcome to Channel 4 News Continue reading Welcome to Channel 4 News


I do not understand Why you’re so against abortion If you listen to my words Our country might Just might unite And hear the sweet chirping of birds Softly Through the night Life is about priorities Majorities Minorities Life is about priorities Well, would you prioritize An unborn thing Or a healthy life? You do not get to chose What other people do With their Own Bodies Abortion Is not murder An unborn thing Is not a baby Forcing people to give to give birth A painful process Is it worth the Hurt When you are young When you are … Continue reading Listen

Ode to Books

Oh, books You are so colorful With different shapes, Sizes You are like people So many words Oh, books You crinkle Every time I turn your Wrinkled pages Oh, books Your musty smell Worn pages Yellowed pages From sitting on a shelf For ages Oh, books You bring me joy Without you There would be nobody To enjoy Oh, books My memories with you Soar past What I Can remember Continue reading Ode to Books

Ode To Winter

One day when winter comes Beautiful snow will come falling down The winter breeze The falling leaves Oh winter when will you come? The soft landing of snow slowly falling to the ground The winter breeze you finally feel The falling leaves you finally see Oh winter when will you come? When I first saw you I was amazed The glorious beauty right in front of my face All white Oh winter when will you come? Without you what would I do? All lonely All sad PLEASE come now I miss you way too much! Continue reading Ode To Winter

Ode to Stranger Things

Ode to Stranger Things Oh stranger things The scary monsters you bring to life As much as I’m terrified I know its just CGI Oh stranger things The growls and screams All the scary things Oh stranger things You give me the creeps But all the joy you bring me would be delivered in jeeps watching you for the first time with my dad in Kansas city. Then showing it to my cousin and friend Oh stranger things Without watching you I would not be able to bond even more Or talk about you to friends and that would be … Continue reading Ode to Stranger Things

To The Bullies

Like getting punched in the stomach without getting punched Like having a hurricane stuck inside you that can’t get out Like being lost in the woods at midnight Like having an ocean trapped inside you That you don’t want to show to anyone Like a heavy rock on your shoulders At all times Did you know it felt like this? Continue reading To The Bullies

A Journey

One day I got Onto a boat I thought was very crowded We spent three months Out at Sea With disease all around us Until one day We hit the dock We’d got to Ellis Island The famous land of hope I’d made it to America At least I hoped I walked into the crowded hall I waited in a line So much sadness So many unhappy people I hoped that wouldn’t be me A couple days later I had made it out At least I made it When so many had not People with children People with families People … Continue reading A Journey

Hi my name is Sky

Hi my name is Sky Yeah, I know, Why is my name sky? Well, I simply can’t reply. My sister’s named Stormy My brother’s named cloudy They both are so very greedy! I am very much more boring than my mom, The sun. Continue reading Hi my name is Sky


As we sit and go about our day, Our whole little world stands A little taller And our nature shrinks a little smaller. Everyday we chop trees in their slumber, But do we really need this much lumber? Everyday we devour all this paper Stamping it with ink, And making drawings that look okay, Just to crumple them up and throw them away, Means buying more paper for the very next day. More trees crashing to the ground, Makes animals hurt all around As our air gets more polluted, Where are those trees we cut away? They’re not here to … Continue reading Wasted

Broken Toy

There is a boy named troy He had a toy It stood on a frog It broke and took a great big fall Falling down he frowned As he watched it hit the ground The boy cried and said MOM As he cried the mom came along and sang a song about a broken toy and guess what it was me all along Continue reading Broken Toy


The day you were born was beautiful The day you died was the opposite But Now there’s a spark in everyone that knew you That spark is Bold Brave Creative Amazing Inspiring I will always Miss you But You Like the spark are COLORFUL Continue reading Colorful

Heat Rise

I walk outside Boiling hot It feels like I’m in a boiling pot. 100 degrees in mid April Why is this happening Why is this happening Why is this happening I look at the sun getting bigger every year Listening to the ocean swallowing our tears When we look at a fish The only thing we see is PLASTIC When I look at the sidewalks the only thing I see Is trash Trash Trash T.R.A.S.H Is what they will be spelling at the next Spelling bee we need to save our Earth You need to listen to me. Continue reading Heat Rise


Stepping into the place, Seeing children my age, Doing flips and turns and twists on the bars, Doing cartwheels off the beam, And front tucks off the vault, Jumping and flipping and twisting on the floor, Oh, I see so much more, Hearing noises like “hey coach can I get some water?” And “oh, that felt good,” Just wishing I was one of them, Doing gymnastics feels good. Continue reading Gymnastics

The Sandcrab

two days ago i rode in a taxicab back from rehab but then a sandcrab told me i had to much flab so i started to jab at the sandcrab but i could not penatrate him so i ripped a limb off him. then the committee of self pity came in and nuked a city if i didnt know better i would think they want to kill me but then the itty bitty nitty gritty kitty attacked me now i am part of the committee of self pity. Continue reading The Sandcrab


The month of may My birthday The month of flowers Gives the earth powers The month of baseball My favorite sport The month of May The best of days Continue reading May